From the AP:

In last week’s episode of the Web drama “Lonelygirl15,” teen pals Bree, Daniel and Jonas are on the road, running from the mysterious evil group “The Order” when Daniel spots Bree clutching a small, lime-green box.

“What’s that? Daniel says.

“Ice Breakers Sours Gum,” Bree replies as the camera zooms in for a close-up – on the box.

After offering it to her buddies, Bree playfully pops the last four pieces into her mouth with a giggle.

It’ll be interesting to see how new-media programming like this learns to make money. Though this type of product placement seems a little clumsy, almost like a wayward Mentos commercial.

UPDATE: The video is here on the lonelygirl15 website, yet doesn’t appear on YouTube. What’s up with that?