More from Edwards on his wife’s condition, this from a forum on health care in Nevada:

“We take our responsibility to serve our country very seriously,” Edwards, whose wife attended the forum with him, replied. “We want to serve. Both of us. Which is why we made the decision to go forward.”

“I think we are getting far too much credit when you look at all the millions of women struggling with what Elizabeth has without her great health care coverage. A lot of women with exactly the same diagnosis as Elizabeth had to get up the next morning and go to work.”

I’ve been skeptical of this very public disclosure the past couple days and I was wrong. If Edwards is capable of turning this tragic and personal situation into an effective and needed discussion on public health policy then there’s really no need to question his motives. His comments at the health forum were eloquent, humble, and all the more relevant and sincere due to Elizabeth’s current health situation. I admire their courage.

UPDATE: More thoughts on Elizabeth Edwards here.